10 Signs of Alzheimer’s
Recognizing the Signs
Understanding the signs of Alzheimer's is crucial in distinguishing between typical memory lapses and, more concerning, cognitive changes. Here are the key signs to watch for and what constitutes normal behavior in each aspect:

Sign: Overall, memory loss and a decline in recalling recently learned information can be frustrating to individuals diagnosed and their caregivers.
Normal Behavior: Occasional memory lapses, such as forgetting names or appointments but being able to recall them later without significant disruption to daily life.
Sign: A decline in judgment or reasoning beyond what would be considered normal.
Normal Behavior: Making occasional errors in judgment but maintaining the ability to make reasonable decisions based on available information and life experiences.
Sign: Noticeable changes in vision or loss of vision.
Normal Behavior: Changes in vision might occur with age, but sudden or severe changes should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.
Sign: Withdrawal, isolation, or reduced engagement in social activities.
Normal Behavior: Periods of introversion or reduced social activity may occur, but maintaining regular social connections is typical in healthy individuals.
Sign: Tasks that were once familiar become increasingly challenging.
Normal Behavior: Finding certain tasks more challenging due to stress or distractions, but with practice, they can be completed without significant difficulty.
Sign: Mood swings or a noticeable change from a normal disposition.
Normal Behavior: Occasional mood changes or fluctuations due to life events, but these changes do not significantly disrupt daily functioning or relationships.
Sign: Significant challenges with planning and problem-solving.
Normal Behavior: Occasional difficulties in planning complex tasks, but with some extra effort, individuals can work through and solve problems.
Sign: Problems and struggles with the thought process, leading to difficulties in communication.
Normal Behavior: Occasional difficulty finding the right word or expressing thoughts, but generally being able to communicate ideas coherently.
Sign: Confusion about simple elements like time, place, and location.
Normal Behavior: Occasional confusion about the day of the week but retaining a clear understanding of time, place, and location in general.
Sign: Wandering that leads to getting lost and an inability to recall how to get back home.
Normal Behavior: Occasional wandering or getting momentarily disoriented in unfamiliar surroundings, but being able to reorient and find the way back home without significant distress or difficulty.